The start of CabiBUS.

Kenneth Palmestål came up with the idea of shared traveling door-to-door in the early 70's.

He proposed the idea of computer guided minibuses, DATATAXI, in objection to the planned PRT on rails above the streets in his hometown Gothenburg in Sweden. 

The original papers below (in Swedish) describes the advantages of DATATAXI over the existing public, commersial and private transportation alternatives. 

With already five years of computer experience at that time, Kenneth understood the possibilities with computerized route planning for the DATATAXI fleet.

The plans for PRT in Gothenburg was cancelled.

Början på CabiBUS.

Idén om delat resande dörr till dörr fick Kenneth Palmestål  tidigt på 70-talet. Han föreslog idén datorstyrda minibussar, DATATAXI, i invändning mot den planerade spårtaxin i hans hemstad Göteborg i Sverige.

Originaldokumenten nedan beskriver fördelarna med DATATAXI jämfört med befintliga alternativ för resor: kollektivtrafik, taxi och privatbilar.

Med redan fem års datorerfarenhet vid den tiden, förstod Kenneth möjligheterna med datoriserad ruttplanering för DATATAXI-flottan.

Spårtaxiplanerna i Göteborg lades ner.

Translation of the DATATAXI documents from 1972

Public transport - Datataxi

A modernized and reorganized taxi system provides:           

100% geographic coverage

Personal service for the sick, disabled, elderly, children.

Shortest, or fastest route to destination

Minimal waiting times

The only system that can replace private cars in many families

No downtime

Better economy through several passengers at the same time and a control center that uses a computer to optimize passenger and route choices

At off-peak times easy to use for other transports

Smooth start-up with existing material

Later on, special cars may be developed, optimally maybe 6-8 passengers

Trams and buses may remain as a slightly cheaper alternative for those who live close to the lines

You call as usual and order a car or go to a stop equipped with a button terminal where you enter the destination and the number of passengers   

Desired benefits of public transport

Track taxi     Bus             Tram           Subway       Private car             Taxi                   Datataxi


Full geographical coverage door to door

Personal assistans                           

Shortest or fastest route               

Minimal waiting times                   

Minimal operational interruptions in case of failure       

Capacity customization

High occupancy rate                      

Many pick up and drop off places

No change of vehicle