CabiBUS winner of Innovation Award
Shared & Public Transport & MaaS Autonomy Mobility World Expo 2024
Smart cities -
or Smart regions
Cities are not isolated entities with a mainly internal mobility. There is a lot of commuting between the city and its surrounding.
Gothenburg is the second-largest city in Sweden with a population of 550 000. 50,000 Gothenburg residents commute to neighboring places every day and more than 120,000 neighbors commute in for work, a large proportion of them in private cars.
That makes it obvious that mobility and public transportation must be planned on a regional basis, and also that the current system, based on fixed routes buses, trams and regional trains, is not efficient enough to replace a majority of private cars.
The CabiBUS service with shared, door-to-door and on demand trips up to 100 km (62 miles) will fill this gap in public transportation.
The electric CabiBUS with 6 passengers will reduce the traffic and its pollution with 83% when it replaces 6 fossil fuel private cars (or single passenger Robotaxis).
Self driving and electric, the cost will be so low so it can be a profitable public transportation.
VÄSTTRAFIK - is responsible for public transport in western Sweden
ANROPSRESOR - is on demand trips
This is just an illustration, CabiBUS has no formal contacts with Västtrafik yet.
(The CabiBUS looks large in the image but is is just about 150 cm longer than a Volvo XC90)