CabiBUS winner of Innovation Award
Shared & Public Transport & MaaS Autonomy Mobility World Expo 2024
"Tesla Robotaxi is Coming! (Elon Musk Shocks The World)"
April 17, 2024
Elon Musk has announced a Tesla Robotaxi presentation to be held August 8 2024.
Why I Ride with Waymo: Sophia - YouTube 2 July 2021
Sophia has been riding with Waymo One since 2018. She and her family use our fully autonomous ride-hailing service to get them where they need to go safely and reliably. Watch as she takes us along on the first leg of a recent multi-stop trip to her local bakery.
This is an excellent video to show how CabiBUS will work!
The main difference is that CabiBUS can take up to 6 more passengers (including one wheelchair passenger) and that each passenger has a private cabin. This will reduce the number of cars on streets and roads, traffic congestions and environmental impact. It will also offer lower travel costs.
Waymo Driver is on the top of our wish list of autonomous technology for CabiBUS.
Waymo's Self-Driving Taxi: An Exclusive First Look 19 Mar 2021
for the first time, driving technology company Waymo is letting everyday passengers take a ride in one of their cars with no one in the driver’s seat.
Why You Should Want Driverless Cars On Roads Now 23 July 2021
After 5 years of driving over 2 million miles on the streets of our hometown, San Francisco, Cruise zero-emission cars are ready to drive on their own.
Going driverless in San Francisco - YouTube 9 Dec 2020
After 5 years of driving over 2 million miles on the streets of our hometown, San Francisco, Cruise zero-emission cars are ready to drive on their own.
Google´s driverless car. TED 2011
Sebastian Thrun helped build Google's amazing driverless car, powered by a very personal quest to save lives and reduce traffic accidents
How a driverless car sees the road. TED 2015
Statistically, the least reliable part of the car is ... the driver. In 2015, Chris Urmson was head of Google's driverless car program, one of several efforts to remove humans from the driver's seat.
Uber´s plan to get more people into fewer cars. TED 2017
As Uber's co-founder and former CEO, Travis Kalanick is disrupting an entrenched industry and reinventing urban transportation.
Future of Transportation Keynote: 2020 NC DOT Transportation Summit
Tony Seba "The #CleanDisruption of Energy and Transportation will be the fastest, deepest, most consequential disruption of energy and transportation in history."