CabiBUS winner of Innovation Award
Shared & Public Transport & MaaS Autonomy Mobility World Expo 2024
Shared, door-to-door, autonomous electric mobility with privacy will revolutionize the public transportation and replace a majority of private cars.
A substantial reduction of traffic and fossil fuel use will result in huge improvements of environment and life in cities and their surroundings.
Shared Transport-as-a-Service, TaaS Pool
This presentation by Tony Seba,
Future of Transportation / Keynote: 2020 NC DOT Transportation Summit ,
will show you why and how the world of mobility will change from 2020 to 2030.
The RethinkX+Report:
"By 2030, within 10 years of regulatory approval of autonomous vehicles (AVs), 95% of U.S. passenger miles traveled will be served by on-demand autonomous electric vehicles owned by fleets"
The open interior, as in this Waymo M-Vision and also in Cruise Origin, Zoox and NEVS Sango.
The CabiBUS solution with individual cabins, offering privacy and protection against infection, stealth or violence to up to 12 passengers and one wheelchair passenger.
Public transportation systems today have many limitations and problems that make it less attractive for the majority of car travelers. Even in a country like Sweden, with well developed public transport systems, people choose their private car for more than 80% of the daily trips resulting in traffic congestions, pollution and accidents. The major issues are:
- The distance from the starting point to the nearest bus/tram stop and from the last stop to the end destination, in most cases by walking..
- Often it is necessary to change to another bus/tram, adding waiting time and weather exposure.
- Sharing a limited space with other passengers reduce the possibility to work or relax and entails exposure to airborne infections.
- Total travel time is typically much longer than by private car, in Sweden the average is 68% longer
- Children can have problems with using public transport alone, also elderly and people with minor disabilities not qualified for special transportation service, making private car the chosen alternative.
With these obstacles the authorities in cities and regions have real problems to reach their goals for reduced traffic and pollution. Electric drive is the key to sustainable transport.
CabiBUS the RoboStaxi with Privacy
CabiBUS is a compact, self-driving (autonomous Level 4), electric car with 3 doors on each side for a total of 6-12 passengers. It also have a rear cabin bookable for wheelchair passenger, baby stroller or luggage. It's more convenient, safe, reliable and sustainable than any other means of local and regional travel. It's also suitable for children and persons with disabilities. CabiBUS can be produced in vastly larger volumes than buses and trams, which provides economies of scale and low cost per seat. It's truly the game changer in public transportation that can replace a substantial part of the private car traffic.
RoboTaxi or Robo-Shared-taxi, RoboStaxi
Taxi services with autonomous cars are now being developed by some of the largest companies in the world: Google Waymo, GM, Uber, DIDI and others have announced plans to launch such services before 2025. A Robotaxi trip will have a higher cost for a single passenger than a CabiBUS RoboStaxi trip.
Many researchers are warning for increased traffic congestions when anyone can take a low cost direct trip alone in a robotaxi so politicians will probably have to find ways to give shared travelling priority in cities.
CabiBUS can offer faster trips than RoboTaxis where it is allowed to use public transportation lanes.
The road to seamless urban mobility. Article - McKinsey Quarterly - January 2019
(The CabiBUS text on the Autonomous Vehicles is not on the original article illustration)
The Boston Consulting Group, Robo-Taxis and the New Mobility
Good morning. It’s 6:30 a.m. and time to get ready for work. You, representing an ever-growing share of the world’s population, live in a megacity—in your case New York, though it could easily be Shanghai, Paris, or any number of other huge cities. Between you and your office stand several miles of bumper-to-bumper highway traffic, so you reluctantly roll out of the house and into your car at 7:15 sharp, hoping to arrive at the office by 9:00.
Now imagine an alternative. Last night, you arranged for a taxi to show up at your door at 7:45 this morning, knowing as you do that the trip will take less time than it would if you were to drive yourself. Soon after you get in the car, it picks up another passenger going in the same direction, who sits in a separate, private compartment. There are no commuter train schedules to worry about, no parking hassles, and no need to weave through the rush-hour crowds in town. Better yet, your taxi ride is cheaper per mile than the cost of driving yourself. And you won’t have to tip your driver. The car drives itself.
CabiBUS enables cities to move toward a model of on-demand mobility in which citizens can take advantage of clean transportation options that meet their immediate needs. CabiBUS with one passenger compartment (cabin) for each passenger is a truly innovative vehicle. It is the prerequisite for a public transportation solution that provides safe and comfortable privacy and more unique advantages against existing systems.
Gothenburg, Sweden
Investment plan for 25 billion SEK (US$2.8 billion) in public transportation until 2035 was decided in 2018.
If the region choose CabiBUS it can be fastest and largest transformation from fossil fuel private cars to shared sustainable mobility.
Göteborg, Sverige
Investeringsplan för 25 miljarder SEK i kollektivtrafik fram till 2035 beslutades 2018.
Om regionen väljer CabiBUS kan det bli den snabbaste och största omställningen från fossildriven privatbilism till delad hållbar mobilitet.
Nissan and DeNA introduces Easy Ride, a future robo-vehicle mobility service.
A very good illustration of the CabiBUS system but with one BIG difference: The low-cost Nissan-DeNA taxi service model will bring a devastating increase of traffic in cities.
Shared rides, that replaces most of the taxis and private cars, is the only way forward to reduced traffic and fossil free mobility.
And to make shared rides in driverless vehicles so safe and comfortable that it attracts all types of passengers, individual cabins, as in CabiBUS, is the solution.
CabiBUS with individual passenger compartments (cabins) is a truly innovative vehicle. It is the prerequisite for an attractive public transportation solution that offers privacy when sharing a vehicle with strangers in a small vehicle without a driver. It also provides other unique advantages against existing systems.