CabiBUS the Robotaxi

Robobus is a bus without a driver, autonomous at level 4

Some are still slow quite slow and used as shuttles on limited streets but in a few years they can offer a new, on demand public transportation. Then CabiBUS can offer a better transportation alternative than the private car for the daily trips resulting in a fast transition to sustainable mobility.

The word BUS usually refers to fixed line buses and public transit, while Taxi refers to door-to-door transportation.

Since CabiBUS  is a shared door-to-door service it could as well be called CabiTAXI, but since it mainly offers shared rides, as public transit, the name CabiBUS was selected.

Hop on the driverless SOHJOA robobus

Kooperation von ZF und eGO:
Robo-Bus startet 2019 in Serie


Wo und wie autonome Busse jetzt schon fahren

Robobus: Wo und wie autonome Busse jetzt schon fahren

We took the robo bus into the future

Robo bus: Driverless buses are coming to America

This was the Citizen Debate on Automated Mobility in Salzburg