CabiBUS winner of Innovation Award
Shared & Public Transport & MaaS Autonomy Mobility World Expo 2024
Innovation, product development, sustainability, entrepreneurship, international distribution.
Founder CabiBUS Sustainable Mobility AB
Company founded after 10 years as a side project.
Patent applied 2014, granted 2018.
Design ordered from Camal Studios in Italy 2018.
Innovation Awards winner 2024, Shared & Public Transport & MaaS at the Autonomy Mobility World Expo in Paris.
CEO SoundRacer AB
Founded SoundRacer AB to develop and market the SoundRacer invention. 200.000 units sold globally.
Patent for SoundRacer gadget for Sports Car engine sound in standard cars.
Developed sound system for electric vehicles 2014 and launched an AVAS product that now is factory installed in Rimac Nevera hypersportscar, Solaris electric buses and other vehicles.
Founded IQtron AB to develop and market the IQtherm invention. 40.000 IQtherm control units sold in Sweden.
Patent for IQtherm 1987, an energy conserving control system with smart thermostats for individual temperature control in all types of buildings. Reduce heating cost 15% - 25%.
Winner of the NUTEK National Technology Procurement of Control Systems for Electrically Heated Single-family Houses, 1996.
CEO Janken Minidata HB
Founded computer shop Janken to market Apple II and Commodore PET in West Sweden. Also first retailer in the area to sell IBM PC when it was launched in Sweden.
Human ecology
Gothenburg University
Special works: Vegetarian nutrition and Quality of Life.
Engineer, mechanics and control systems.